The other day, after breakfast, I decided to try something. Got the leftover coffee out of the machine..

Grabbed the olive oil…

Popped a tablespoon of each in a little bowl.

Mix mix mix.

And scrubbed my face with it! Something about the caffeine cleansing and the oil moisturising, who knows? But it felt nice! I let it sit for ten-ish minutes, then showered and put face cream on, as usual. My skin felt supersoft after ✨

We had a little outing planned, I prepped snacks. Read on a blog ages ago that you can keep your store bought basil in a jar of water like this, it works SO well! I’ve tried keeping basil alive before and never succeeded in the long term, this one lives in our sunny bedroom window, always in water and is absolutely loving it. Herb tip of the day 🌱

I chopped up a simple green salad for us, used all the fresh herbs we had at home at the time: basil, mint and coriander.

My fave simple salad dressing:
Olive oil
Red wine vinegar
Salt & Pepper
Shallot if available (we didn’t have any)

Mix in a jar, keep separate from salad if not eating toute suite, done! Easy peasy.

We headed to the metro, completely forgetting that it was now rush hour and you’re only let on the trains if you have a special permission slip from work. We did not have said slip and sat down by the canal in waiting for rush hour to finish.

Rested my paw which is finally good enough to walk on! The swelling is almost completely gone and all that remains is a massive bruise in its place 🙃

Then hit the metro! I avoid it as much as possible these days. Felt strangely normal to be standing there on the platform.

Masks are mandatory riding the metro, and you’re not allowed to sit near each other. Here: pic of overheating me. SO. HOT.

Some stations are closed to avoid too many people. Feels weird.

Eerily empty…

We finally made it to our goal of the day: the bar! Hiiiii baaaaar I’ve miiiiiissed youuuu ❤
Celebrated with a couple of demis.

Did some bar-stuff and then we sat down with a pizza that we had in the freezer, plus the salad. So nice to just hang out in there for a bit. Our second home.

Back home later that night we did our now usual TV marathon:
1. The Deuce
2. Dead to me
3. Modern Family

with favourite caramel mint clipper tea! Might do the same right now, goodnight friends ✨

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